The FilterOperatorsLoading is not firing all of the time. It is only firing when the data type changes. For example, if you go from an Int to a String it will fire. But if you switch from a String filter to a String filter, the event does not fire.
Is this normal behavior? If so, is there another way to filter the operators based on the selected filter?
We are using the WPF Q3 2010 version of RadDataFilter.
Thank you,
The FilterOperatorsLoading is not firing all of the time. It is only firing when the data type changes. For example, if you go from an Int to a String it will fire. But if you switch from a String filter to a String filter, the event does not fire.
Is this normal behavior? If so, is there another way to filter the operators based on the selected filter?
We are using the WPF Q3 2010 version of RadDataFilter.
Thank you,