I have problem with the RadGridView, and my own ObservableDataRow. The grid throws an exception if i click on the filter symbol in a grid. This problem occures if i bind to the following object:
RadObservableCollection<ObservableDataRow> items =
// Items will be filled with instances of ObservableDataRow instances...
The error does NOT occure if i declare the collection like this:
RadObservableCollection<DataRow> items =
But i also fill the list with instances of ObservableDataRow.
The exception: No generic method 'Select' for the type 'System.Linq-Quieryable' is with the provided type argument and arguments compatible. No type argument should be provided, if the method is not generic. (Translated from a german error message - may not the same as thrown in english.)
Using RadObservableCollection<DataRow> solved the problem, but there must be a bug.
Or did i some thing else wrong?
As an additional information, i have also created my own ObservableDataTable for creating instances of ObservableDataRow.
Thank you.