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Fill Grid by RadGridView

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Marcin asked on 19 May 2011, 08:56 AM
i have radgridview inside grid column. The problem is that if i have to much text in some cell my grid will go outside screen.
The problem is that i dont want to have horizontal scrolls just i want  to fill grid by this radgridview and set column width in percentage.
So if user has other resolution or change app size radgridview will automaticaly change his column width. Please help me

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answered on 20 May 2011, 10:18 AM
Hello Marcin,

 You could set the column width of both the Grid columns and the RadGridView columns in percentage using the "*" like:

                <ColumnDefinition Width="3*"></ColumnDefinition>
                <ColumnDefinition Width="*"></ColumnDefinition>
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Name}" Width="2*"/>
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Number}" Width="*"/>

I am attaching a sample project showing how the percentage is applied. Could you please review it and check if this is your desired behavior?

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