I tried to add a Report in my MVC project and tried to add SQL datasource to the report.
At Configure DataSource Command I have selected Stored Procedure and my selected stored procedure contains two parameters of type datetime.
On ExecuteQuery when I give value "07/01/2013" for parameters of type datetime error occurs saying "Failed to convert parameter value from a string to a DateTime."
Tried giving the above value in following formats but still error persist.
Please help me out from this and I am new to telerik reporting.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
At Configure DataSource Command I have selected Stored Procedure and my selected stored procedure contains two parameters of type datetime.
On ExecuteQuery when I give value "07/01/2013" for parameters of type datetime error occurs saying "Failed to convert parameter value from a string to a DateTime."
Tried giving the above value in following formats but still error persist.
Please help me out from this and I am new to telerik reporting.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.