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F5 vs CTRL-F5

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Scott asked on 24 Jun 2019, 06:43 PM

Hello All,

Hoping that someone can shed some light on this weird - to me at least - problem! When I debug my ASP.NET Core reporting application started using F5 everything works perfectly and my report displays just fine. However, if I start it with CTRL-F5 I get the message: "Unable to get report parameters - Report 'xyz.trdx' cannot be resolved." Similar to what you get if the report path is not correct. How can this be since nothing changes but the start method? I've checked the only place I could think of, in the Startup.cs where you have an "if (env.IsDevelopment()), but all I have in there is a developer exception page vs a fixed page for production. Really stumped here.

Any thoughts appreciated,


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answered on 27 Jun 2019, 03:44 PM
Hello Scott,

We have not experienced such issue so far. Basically, we do not make any checks if the code is running in debug mode and the application should behave the same way in both cases. We also tested our .Net Core demo on Visual Studio 2017 on two of  our machines but the issue was not reproduced.

The issue might be related with the environment, especially when using IIS Express as a web server. Try restarting the IIS Express to see if this would help.

The ReportResolver exception should be logged in a trace listener, if one is available. To enable tracing in .NET Core, add the following lines of code in the Program.cs class:
static void EnableTracing()
    System.Diagnostics.Trace.Listeners.Add(new System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener(File.CreateText("log.txt")));
    System.Diagnostics.Trace.AutoFlush = true;

I would suggest to open a Support ticket, so you can send us the log from the Trace Listener, as well as the project so we can investigate it on our side.

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answered on 01 Jul 2019, 06:23 PM

Thanks for the response, Neli. I believe my problem had to do with data access as once I added some caching, which I should have had in the first place that problem stopped happening. Pretty sure what was going on is that the little extra slowness introduced by running in debug mode was enough to let the queries complete in time and not fall over each over and that let the report display properly. I will do some tracing when I get a chance and see if that sheds anymore light on things.

Appreciate the help,


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