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Extra pages apperaring

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harlowhair asked on 13 Oct 2010, 11:08 AM

When I have a table which spans more than one page, additional pages keep appearing either at the top or within the table.  For example, the table will start halfway down page 1 (as expected), page 2 will be blank, the table continues on page 4, pages 5 and 6 will be blank and then the table continues on page 7.  I have set KeepTogether = false on the table and the groups and it is just a simple talbe connecting to a Sql DataSource.  Is there something I am missing?


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answered on 18 Oct 2010, 04:42 PM
Hi harlowhair,

If every even page is empty in page oriented formats (PDF, XPS and TIF), most likely the pages are not blank, rather there is some content that cannot fit on the current page and is carried over to the next page. There are several cases when this happens:

  • Report Width is greater than than the available page space (Page Width - Left Margin - Right Margin).
  • There is a report item in your case it could be the table item with boundaries going out to the right from its parent section.
  • There is a sub-report, which contains a report that is too wide, and while at design-time that is not obvious, at run-time it might cause the carry over to occur.
Since often the background color (white in most cases) of the item that is carried over to the next page is the same as the background of the report/sections the page seems to be blank. To see which items are causing the problem, simply change their background to a different, more contrasting color and run the report in the WinForms viewer or export it to PDF. The rendered report will immediately give you a clue about the items which are at fault.

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