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Export to excel and merge cell

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Paul asked on 16 Dec 2009, 06:08 AM
When a report is exported to Excel, it generally works fine. However, here is one problem that I am encountering. In some textbox field, I have CanGrow set as True. Therefore, it the data is longer than the allowed field, it will print to next line which is fine. The problem comes when this is exported to Excel.  If the field is exported Excel, the textbox occupies more than one row(merged row) instead of the whole text should be in one row with longer field.  This prevent the user from sorting properly form Excel.

For example, if it should print, "Hello world, this is me", In textbox it will print as follow.
|Hello World|
|This is me  |

In Excel, it will print,
ROW A  |Hello World|
ROW B  |This is me  |

I would like it to print
ROW A  |Hello World|
              |This is me  |

How can this be fixed?

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Telerik team
answered on 16 Dec 2009, 04:26 PM
Hello Paul,

This can only be achieved with the Table report item as it defines specific rules about how the items should behave when they grow or shrink. Give a try and let me know if you are experiencing any difficulties with this approach.

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Augusto Cosatti
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answered on 17 Nov 2010, 02:20 PM

I have a similar problem but with the height of the exported rows.

The report has a field (CanGrow=true) that displays fine in the viewer, the text is wrapped and displayed on the two lines (see Row_height_ReportViewer.jpg). When I export to Excel, the texte is rendered into 2 merged cells and the problem is that the height of the second row is too small and the text is not fully visible (see Row_height_Excel.jpg).

How can I do to have the same row height.

I have the reporting working fine and I don't want to rewrite it using what you call the Table items.

Thanks for you help
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answered on 17 Nov 2010, 04:40 PM
I don't think you have any other options. You have to use Table. I modified all my reports to use table but, it is a bit harder to use.
Telerik team
answered on 17 Nov 2010, 05:58 PM
Hi Augusto,

My colleague has already provided a solution for this - the table item, which has specific rules taking care of the height of inner items. This happens because some of the applications use different line spacing while drawing text lines, while we measure using the same line spacing for all formats. This is where the difference comes from - as we have no way of knowing what line spacing would a viewer software (Acrobat, Excel etc.) use. In other words, we've made it look correct for the image rendering (PDF) and excel in particular is drawing the text lines with different line spacing.

Once again, to address this peculiarity, use the Table item.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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Augusto Cosatti
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