Hi there, we have been using the telerik reporting for quite a while now, and found it handy in most of the scenarios we're facing. Thanks for the great work.
However, one of the problem we got now is that as we send the report as an email out (which using MHTML, and works fine), the mail content become large as what telerik reporting engine generate all images as mime and embeds into the content.
as example
<img alt="Image" src="cid:uf32gweyf5y" style="width:100%; height:100%" /></div> |
then as we generate the report as HTML, it export the follow for image
<img alt="Image" src="/Telerik.ReportViewer.axd?culture=en-NZ&uiculture=en-US&instanceid=3d09e5a8d49d412c9e85073ece538511&&optype=ReportImage&StreamID=m4b13jtidmk" style="width:100%; height:100%" /> |
The question is, how would we export it, as the orignal link instead? Is that a way which we can put a unique identfier and replace it in the code-behind as work around? (prefer no workaround though)