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Export Child RadGrid of RowDetailsTemplate does not work fine with Export.ToHTML

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Inderpal asked on 03 Jul 2014, 02:34 PM
Hello Guys,

So i have one parent radgrid and i have one datatemplate which has one other child radgrid inside that template which i have assigned asRowDetailsTemplate of parent grid so every row of my parent radgrid will have one child radgrid.

So now I want to export the data of radgrid so with parent radgrid i want to export child radgrid data also. So i have seen many forums which says that it is possible in the below link

So when i call export method from parent radgrid with export format as CSV and subexports child grid with export.ToCSV method then it works perfectly for CSV but if i used export format for HTML and subexports child grid with export.ToHtml method then it is not working correctly  disturbs my parent radgrid data so after all child radgrid my parent radgrid full data comes in one cell so one full row data comes in one cell instead of getting the value in different cell.

I have attached the image for the same and have marked the box as green for parent data coming correctly and red for the other parent data after child grid which is not coming correctly.

I would really appreciate if someone could help me out with this.

Thanks in advance.

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Ivan Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 03 Jul 2014, 03:04 PM

The approach illustrated in the thread that you have mentioned is applicable only for CSV export, as the CSV format does not apply any restrictions other that using a valid separation token. On the other hand html implies that a specific document structure should be followed. RadGridView's html export generates an html table (<table>) that arranges cells and their content (<td>) in the respective rows (<tr>). If the mentioned approach is follwed, you will have something like this:
. . .
<tr><td>. . .</td></tr>
<table> . . . </table>
<tr><td>. . .</td></tr>
This is not a valid document structure, so that Excel fails to render it. You have to wrap the inner table into "<tr><td colspan="?">...</td></tr> to make it work properly.

Ivan Ivanov
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Ivan Ivanov
Telerik team
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