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Exception pressing enter after column sorting

1 Answer 60 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Oliver Abraham
Top achievements
Rank 2
Oliver Abraham asked on 20 Jul 2011, 02:34 PM
Hello guys,
we're getting an "InvalidOperationException" in RadGridView that can be reproduced in your WPF 2011 Q2 Demo.

- please start "RadControls for WPF Q2 2011 Demos"
- select Highlights --> GridView
- select the first row by clicking with the mouse (Nancy)
- press "enter" two times --> all ok
- sort the list clicking on a column heading, i.e. "Phone"
- press "enter" --> Exception !!!!

If necessary I could send you a stack trace from the same exception we're experiencing in our application.

Best regards

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Telerik team
answered on 22 Jul 2011, 01:43 PM
Hi Oliver Abraham,

Thank you for the report.
We are aware of this exception and it has been logged in our tracking system. We will do our best to address it in one of the next internal builds.
the Telerik team

Register for the Q2 2011 What's New Webinar Week. Mark your calendar for the week starting July 18th and book your seat for a walk through of all the exciting stuff we will ship with the new release!

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Oliver Abraham
Top achievements
Rank 2
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Telerik team
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