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Excel Report

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Simon Flachsbart
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Rank 1
Simon Flachsbart asked on 17 Dec 2009, 04:45 PM
Hi there,

I have to make an excel export from a GridView (WinForms) for a customer. I have some special items like barcode etc., so i could not use the default GridView-export. I made a report by hand, because the order of the columns are depending of the order in the GridView.
Now i want to include some excel formulas in the report, because the customer needs to edit some values that change the values in some other fields (e.g. total of a price column).
But I had the problem that, when I included the formula, it was formatted as text. So what you see in the field is e.g. "=SUM(F3:F32000)" instead of the result.
The value for this field in the code is
headerTotalAmount.Value = "=\"=SUM(" + (char)(columnIndex + 65) + "3:" + (char)(columnIndex + 65) + "32000)\""

How could I do this that excel accepts my formula?

Regards Simon

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Telerik team
answered on 18 Dec 2009, 01:11 PM
Hi Simon,

There is no way for Telerik Reporting to distinguish what is a regular expression and what is a formula that would be respected in excel format only and we do not support such functionality. More info on supported excel features is available in the Design Considerations for Excel Rendering help topic.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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Simon Flachsbart
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Telerik team
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