I was looking through these forums, demos and google for any example of proper usage entity framework (for .NET 4 and .NET 4.5) with async data loading.
Lets look into requirements:
1. Database with 1 mln record (just to mention large amount of data)
2. EntityFramework (ObjectContext), with entity name "Product"
2. GridView on window.
3. DataPager assigned to GridView (100 per page)
4. BusyIndicator on window.
1. On window open - start asynchronous (to make UI responsible) data loading with assigning IsBusy of BusyIndicator to true.
2. Once data loaded set IsBusy to false.
3. On page change, sort, filter - assign IsBusy to true when stared, and to false when ended.
So idea is quite simple for responsive UI. However I couldn't any example of such scenario.
The EnityFrameworkDataSource is totally synchronous and does not contain way to assign IsBusy and if there is delay UI stops responding.
I was looking through these forums, demos and google for any example of proper usage entity framework (for .NET 4 and .NET 4.5) with async data loading.
Lets look into requirements:
1. Database with 1 mln record (just to mention large amount of data)
2. EntityFramework (ObjectContext), with entity name "Product"
2. GridView on window.
3. DataPager assigned to GridView (100 per page)
4. BusyIndicator on window.
1. On window open - start asynchronous (to make UI responsible) data loading with assigning IsBusy of BusyIndicator to true.
2. Once data loaded set IsBusy to false.
3. On page change, sort, filter - assign IsBusy to true when stared, and to false when ended.
So idea is quite simple for responsive UI. However I couldn't any example of such scenario.
The EnityFrameworkDataSource is totally synchronous and does not contain way to assign IsBusy and if there is delay UI stops responding.