Their if any event in raddatafilter which get fired on each time user filter the records.
I trying to implement a filter in which work like this:
If user select containg string "abc" then i want to show all record those contains "abc" as well as "cde". But i don't want to show user both option "abc" and "cde" because in my case meaning of "abc" and "cde" is same.
There is any other way to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Their if any event in raddatafilter which get fired on each time user filter the records.
I trying to implement a filter in which work like this:
If user select containg string "abc" then i want to show all record those contains "abc" as well as "cde". But i don't want to show user both option "abc" and "cde" because in my case meaning of "abc" and "cde" is same.
There is any other way to do this?
Thanks in advance.