Error on delete text after type entire the inserted text in Track Change mode

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Emin Sadigov
Top achievements
Rank 2
Emin Sadigov asked on 21 Jan 2025, 09:49 AM | edited on 21 Jan 2025, 09:50 AM



I have found a bug in the Track Changes Mode. It also occurs in the latest version (in the demo). To reproduce the bug:

  1. Enable Track Changes mode.
  2. Insert some text, e.g., "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry."
  3. Wait for a short period (to allow the insertion to occur at different times), approximately 10-15 seconds.
  4. After inserting a word entire the existing text (like on the screenshot), type a character or word, then immediately try to delete the last character using the backspace key. At this point, the error occurs: backspace does not remove the last character, only on the second attempt.




The error occurs in Telerik WPF 2022.1.222, but in the new version, it still appears, though without throwing exceptions (I checked in the lastest demo, and the last character doesn't delete on the first attempt).

Can you reproduce this issue, or is it a known problem?

Is there a solution available?


Emin Sadigov
Top achievements
Rank 2
commented on 04 Feb 2025, 09:51 AM

I didn't find any solution, so I modified the source code of the Documents_WPF project to prevent the registration of new insertions. This may be helpful for someone. I couldn’t find a better way. Please edit the RevisionInfo.cs file as follows:

public override bool Equals(object obj)
    RevisionInfo other = obj as RevisionInfo;
    if (other == null)
        return false;

        return this.Date == other.Date && this.Author == other.Author;
        return true;

You can always return true; AdditionalSettings is my custom local static class, and it’s optional.

Note: This will prevent new revisions from being registered for the entire existing, which should prevent the issue.

Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
commented on 05 Feb 2025, 11:39 AM

I have tried the steps in the First Look example of RadRichTextBox in the WPF Demos application, but couldn't recreate the problem. Would it be possible to recored a video that shows the problem and attach it here?
Emin Sadigov
Top achievements
Rank 2
commented on 05 Feb 2025, 12:09 PM

Hello, Martin. Thank you for your reply.

In the "step 3" I`ve wrote "10-15 seconds", but it is in the debug mode. In the release (WPF Demos application) wait for the next minute.

Video was attached.

Thank you.

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Emin Sadigov
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