In my telerik report (which was originally designed to display as PDF), I have added the renderformat as HTML if a property is set to true. In the Render method inside the designer class, I check whether the property is true. If true, I make the Page footer section visibility as false before invoking -
So when I view it as HTML (I convert the byte array as given below:
2. I get a javascript error
processor.RenderReport(reporter.RenderFormat,this, null).DocumentBytes;
(reporter.RenderFormat will be either PDF or HTML. This is also set based on the above said property)
So when I view it as HTML (I convert the byte array as given below:
System.Text.UTF8Encoding enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
lblRecordContent.Text = enc.GetString(value);
I have two problems.
1. Page footer section is still shown which is not required in case of HTML view.
2. I get a javascript error
<script type="text/javascript">
var PageInfo = [%PageNumber%, %PageCount%];
var BookmarksOnPage = new Array(%BookmarksOnPage%);
var BookmarksOnPage = new Array(%BookmarksOnPage%);
Kindly help me on these issues.
Kindly help me on these issues.