Was just running through some documentation. Found that the "Example - enable client data processing (Razor)" section of the Ajax binding documentation has an error in the placement of the .ServerOperation(false). (http://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/aspnet-mvc/helpers/grid/ajax-binding)
The example code should read:
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.ServerOperation(false) // <== This is not an available option of .Read. Should be above and must apparently be after .Ajax
.Read(read => read
.Action("Products_Read", "Home") // Set the action method which will return the data in JSON format
) <snip>
Couldn't find a more appropriate place to enter this
The example code should read:
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
.ServerOperation(false) // <== This is not an available option of .Read. Should be above and must apparently be after .Ajax
.Read(read => read
.Action("Products_Read", "Home") // Set the action method which will return the data in JSON format
) <snip>
Couldn't find a more appropriate place to enter this