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Error in Crosstab

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Eric asked on 16 Apr 2009, 08:47 PM
I have watched Q1 video and searched all through the Product Per Sales Demo but can not seem to find any solution.

In my cross tab datasource I am selecting three fields (a, b, c from 3 joined tables). In my cross tab I want field A to be the rows header, field B to be the column header and field C to be the data. Which is fine except not all rows have a match for every column. So for each cell where there is not a match I get Object Reference error. How do I handle this, where there is no data for the intersection of the row and header?


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Telerik team
answered on 21 Apr 2009, 01:04 PM
Hi chabian,

We've already answered your inquiry in the other thread you've opened on the matter. Anyway here is the answer in case anyone else encounters the same issue:
"In the crosstab Body cells you should place only aggregates. It is similar to SQL statements with grouping where in the select you should place only aggregates. In your case you can use any of First, Sum ...
We would make sure that in the subsequent version, If the cell contains expression with the field that is not the argument of an aggregate function, this field should be replaced internally with a call to the function First(Fields.weight) for example. This way you would not have to do it manually."

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answered on 21 Apr 2009, 06:43 PM
Yes, thank you for your response. The forum posting was in addition to my support ticket, I was hoping that perhaps another user could answer my question whilst Telerik was recognizing the Easter holiday.
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