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Error creating a crossTab report

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Jose Ferreira Lima Filho
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Jose Ferreira Lima Filho asked on 13 Apr 2009, 09:43 PM

 I trying create a simple crosstab report, but I have a litle dificult.

I get datasource programally, and set da dataset into the datasource report.

In design mode I added a crosstab object and linked to the database column, but it´s don´t go. If I take just a textbox
with out a crosstab I can see the data.

The error is

An error has occured while processing TextBox 'textBox7':
Referência de objeto não definida para uma instância de um objeto.

My oracle procedure return this

ID_Client    ID_Cource     Cource_Name         ID_Question         Question_Name            Question_Value
381             401                TESTE - TESTE    1                            AVALIAÇÃO GERAL    20,03
381             401                 TESTE - TESTE   2                            RESULTADOS             7,00
402             222                 720 - KARAKA      1                            AVALIAÇÃO GERAL    28,39
402             222                 720 - KARAKA      2                             RESULTADOS            7,59

I want make that ID_Cource is the row group and the ID_Question is the Column group, I need in the final result
same things like this

                             Question_Name 1     Question_Name 2 ...
Cource Name        Value                        Value

By the Data in the example

                                     AVALIAÇÃO GERAL              RESULTADOS
TESTE - TESTE                          20,03                                7,00
720 - KARAKA                             28,39                                7,59

Someone can help me?


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Telerik team
answered on 16 Apr 2009, 02:19 PM
Hi Jose,

You say that you set the datasource for the crosstab programmatically - are you using its NeedDataSource event and using the DataSource property of the processing item?
Also make sure that you have not omitted to set a valid grouping expression in the row group and the column group. Setting an expression in the text box within the group is not enough, you should also set a correct grouping expression to the group itself. To set a grouping expression to a group right-click on the corresponding cell in the crosstab, and from the context menu choose "Row Group/Group Properties" or "Column Group/Group Properties", according to the group you have selected. A better and more convenient approach is to simply drag the columns from the Data Explorer directly to the crosstab.We recommend you to watch the Q1 Reporting Webinar, for a complete step-by-step tutorial, if you have not done so already and our Product Sales per Period demo report, where you can see the exact code used.

We also recommend reviewing the following help articles:

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Jose Ferreira Lima Filho
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