please see following code
this wont work with radwindow.
please let me know any equivalent code with rad window.
here New WindowInteropHelper(Me).Handle not work as Me is telerik rad window and not system window.
this wont work with radwindow.
please let me know any equivalent code with rad window.
here New WindowInteropHelper(Me).Handle not work as Me is telerik rad window and not system window.
Imports Telerik.Windows.Controls
Imports System.Windows
Imports System.Windows.Interop
Class MainWindow
Inherits RadWindow
Public Sub New()
' Disables inking in the WPF application and enables us to track touch events to properly trigger the touch keyboard
AddHandler Me.Loaded, AddressOf MainWindow_Loaded
End Sub
Private Sub MainWindow_Loaded(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
' Enables WPF to mark edit field as supporting text pattern (Automation Concept)
Dim asForm As System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement = System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement.FromHandle(New WindowInteropHelper(Me).Handle)
'Dim asForm As Telerik.Windows.A = System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement.FromHandle(New WindowInteropHelper(Me).Handle)
'' Windows 8 API to enable touch keyboard to monitor for focus tracking in this WPF application
Dim inputPanelConfig As New InputPanelConfigurationLib.InputPanelConfiguration()
End Sub
End Class