I am trying to dynamically create a report, without any designer, just c# code. I am using instance report source with a report document, to which i add items on the fly, based on a custom report definition containing the user required report format (columns, rows, sorting, etc).
No matter what i do, the final report gets rendered on pdf with an empty page. The problem is that with the same report items, i am getting results when using visual studio designer. I am referring to teleric report examples in C# (ListBoundReport). I have modified the designers class report items to just include a singe section with a table having one column and row. The output in the designer preview is an empty table having only visible borders.
I have copied the report items from the above example in my reporting library implementation. The difference is that the items are constructed in a custom builder class instead of the report item constructor as in your example. The outcome is a pdf with no visible table.
I can post the builder class that creates the report items, but it has a lot of custom information that will get you confused. Instead, i will post the modified code from the designer file in your example. I can attach my builder class code, as well, if needed.
Please let me know what i am doing wrong because i have created a whole infrastructure in the idea of creating on the fly reports based on some user configuration.