El boton Imprimir no funciona desde el visor de informes de Telerik version

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General Discussions Report Viewer - ASP.NET
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Diana asked on 13 Mar 2023, 04:46 PM
Hola podrían ayudarme con una solución para el boton de imprimir en Reporting Telerik asp.net

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Telerik team
answered on 15 Mar 2023, 01:11 PM

Hello Diana,

I have used a translator to read the text in English, this is how the text was translated:

Hello, could you help me with a solution for the print button in Reporting Telerik asp.net

I am not sure if you have a problem with the print button of any of the Report Viewers or with exposing the print functionality in a button outside the report viewer, could you please clarify on that?

If you wish to expose the printing option outside the report viewer, please refer to the Exporting a report to PDF programmatically - Telerik Reporting KB article and if you have an issue with starting the print from the report viewer toolbar, please record and send me a Fiddler Jam log of the problem - How to Record a Log with the Fiddler Jam Extension - YouTube. I would also appreciate sending the error message in the browser console if there are any.

I will be looking forward to receiving an update from you.

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commented on 16 Mar 2023, 04:45 PM

Hello!! It is correct, the print button does not work in telerik asp.net reporting. I use version, is there an alternative or do I need a new update?



Telerik team
commented on 20 Mar 2023, 01:12 PM

The printing functionality should also work in that version, however, if it is possible, I would recommend upgrading to the latest release despite that - Telerik Reporting - Progress® Telerik® Reporting R1 2023 SP1 (

I also recommend migrating to using the HTML5-based Report Viewers as the old ASP.NET Report Viewer is legacy and does not receive any new updates - Switch to using the HTML5 Viewer instead of the old ASP.NET WebForms ReportViewer control - Telerik Reporting.

With that being said, if you wish to use the old ASP.NET Report Viewer despite that, please have a look at the Print functionality does not work in Google Chrome 77.0.3865.75 - Telerik Reporting article and try the suggestions from there.

If further assistance would be needed, please record a trace log of the application and send it in this thread. Additionally, please share a link to a Fiddler Jam log where you attempt to print from the viewer - First Steps with the Chrome Extension - Fiddler Jam (telerik.com).

General Discussions Report Viewer - ASP.NET
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