We are hosting RadScheduleView inside a ActiveX control on a win32 application using "HWNDSource" mechanism. The RadScheduleView UI appears properly but we are facing problems with the modal dialogs like EditAppointmentDialog, EditRecurrenceDialog, DeleteConfirmationDialog etc.,
All these dialogs appears correctly on the RadScheduleView and blocks any operation on RadScheduleView as expected. But when we switch to other application and come back to ScheduleView application all these dialogs does not come to focus by default (ie., does not appear on RadScheduleView). These popped up dialogs remain behind and need to select manually (using Alt-tab) to bring them front.
Any help/idea to solve this issue is highly appreciated.
Siva Prasad.Ch
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
What you need to do to resolve this problem is to follow these steps:
1. Create a custom ScheduleView Window by inheriting the SchedulerWindow class (the ScheduleViewWindow class in the sample)
2. Create a custom ScheduleView dialog host factory by implementing the ISchedulerDialogHostFactory interface (the ScheduleViewDialogFactory class in the sample)
3. Implement a Interopability adapter for the Windows by implementing the IWindowInteropabilityAdapter interface (the WinFormsInteropabilityAdapter class in the sample)
4. Hook up the Factory to the ScheduleView control by setting the SchedulerDialogHostFactory property of the ScheduleView control
5. Hook up the Windows forms window to the ScheduleView using the interopability adapter.
Please find the attached sample project that accomplishes these steps.
Hope this helps.
Miroslav Nedyalkov
the Telerik team
Register for the Q2 2011 What's New Webinar Week. Mark your calendar for the week starting July 18th and book your seat for a walk through of all the exciting stuff we will ship with the new release!

Thanks a lot for providing solution. Your solution works well with our application.
I guess there is no mention of this approach in documentation/knowledge base and hard to figure that such kind of support is present by the framework. It would be great if this kind of information is mentioned in some section (For example: FAQs, How To).
Any way your help is highly appreciated.
Expecting same kind of support/help in future!!
Siva Prasad.Ch
Thank you for your suggestion. We will definitely create some documentation about this feature.
Greetings,Miroslav Nedyalkov
the Telerik team
Register for the Q2 2011 What's New Webinar Week. Mark your calendar for the week starting July 18th and book your seat for a walk through of all the exciting stuff we will ship with the new release!

This issue is solved with the pop-up dialogs coming out of RadScheduleView with the solution you provided.But we have a customised RadWindow dialog that gets poped-up on certain event and the same problem is seen with this window. I have tried setting the Parentwindow handle using
:WindowInteropabilityHelper.SetWindowInteropabilityAdapter()" before showing the dialog.This does not solve the problem. Do I miss anything. If no, Please suggest how to address this issue.WinFormsInteropabilityAdapter.SetWindowInteropabilityAdapter(radWindowDialog, newWinFormsInteropabilityAdapter (parentWindowHandle));
Thanks in advance.
Siva Prasad.Ch

To fix this issue we have upgraded to new binaries ie., 2011.2.712.35 from 2011.1.419.35 and this solved the EditAppointmentDialog focus problems. But this broke Appointment Resize and Drag functionality (actually we are trying to edit appointments with mouse). So now the user can edit appointment only by opening EditAppointmentDialog and changing the values.
1. Is there any change in the default appointment resize and drag functionality in latest version. If so do we need to set any property to make appointment Resize and Drag work as usual?
2. If NO to above point, then how to trace out the cause and fix the same.
Our Environment
1. OS: WinXP
2. Control context: RadScheduleView hosted in Win32 application as ActiveX control using HWNDSource mechanism.
3. Appointment source: ObservableCollection of CustomAppointment deriving Appointment class
Note: This issue is not seen with older binaries but now we can't fallback to that version since that does not support IWindowInteropabilityAdapter
Please help us to solve this issue. Any quick response is highly appreciated.
Siva Prasad.Ch
There are some changes related to the DragDrop functionality of appointments but only if you use a Custom DragDropBehavior(We renamed the DragDropBehavior to ScheduleViewDragDropBehavior). Is this the case? If it is not could you please provide us with more details what are the problems that you experience with the DragDrop functionality?
Kind regards,
the Telerik team
Register for the Q2 2011 What's New Webinar Week. Mark your calendar for the week starting July 18th and book your seat for a walk through of all the exciting stuff we will ship with the new release!