I implemented a sortable collection to use like itemssource for my RadTreeview. Each item is editable and when item is validated the sortable collection sort well the item. Normal behavior would be
1 User start edit the item
2 User enter Enter key
3 Item is validated
4 Item is sorted in sortablecollection and RadTreeView is updated. IsInEditMode is false.
All works fine except if i decide to bind the IsInEditMode with a property of my model. When the IsInEditMode is binding (Mode TwoWay) the user must press twice Enter to complete the edit.
I join a sample here.
If you launch the sample and try to rename the 7ABC item in 0AAA, the item is well move to first position but stay in editmode. If you comment the following line in MainWindow.xaml
"{Binding IsInEditMode,Mode=TwoWay}"
I don't understand why the binding on IsInEditMode interfer with edition.