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Dynamic Sorting Calls The Data Source

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Majar asked on 11 Apr 2019, 04:51 PM


We're using dynamic column sorting in telerik report. But every time we click on the sort button the report calls the data source. Is there a way to avoid it. This happens when we render the report in different format(csv, pdf) too.




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answered on 16 Apr 2019, 09:03 AM
Hi Majar,

I assume that the sorting is performed with an Action. In this case each time the actions gets executed the report will be re-processed and re-rendered and the data will be fetched again during this process. This behavior is by design, as storing potentially huge data will occupy huge memory and may reduce the overall performance of the server.
Note that the already rendered documents are cached, hence if you request the same report with the same parameter values in the same export format, it will be taken from the storage.

As a workaround, you may introduce an ObjectDataSource which will fetch the data from the original data source (e.g. database) and cache it for reuse.

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