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Dynamic content in report footer

2 Answers 144 Views
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Emil Einarsson
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Emil Einarsson asked on 13 Jan 2011, 09:40 AM

I'll try to explain the scenario as good as I possibly can.

We have a wysiwyg "editor" in Silverlight where you can build an invoice.

In the footer we have a <WrapPanel Orientation="Vertical"/>. This WrapPanel has an itemsource of List<FooterPart>. The FooterPart object contains a title(going to be viewed as bold) and a body that can contain more than one line.

Please look at the attached picture. The WrapPanel will place the parts in such a way that if the parts only have a body consisting of one line, two of them can exist in the same column, if not, only one part will exist in the column.

Now the problem is, I need to achieve a somewhat similar effect in the report footer. The report footer will have access to this List<FooterPart> and in some way I need to be able to render the parts in the same way I do in Silverlight using the Wrappanel.

Are there any somewhat easy ways of achieving this? I've also created a support ticket on this about 3 days ago but seeing as it's not an easy question I haven't gotten an answer.

Maybe someone else have had a similar problem. So please share your thoughts and, if any, solutions. :-)

Have a nice day,

2 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Telerik team
answered on 17 Jan 2011, 03:50 PM
Hi Emil,

As the layout in the report is build entirely by the developer and its container items/sections do not mimic the wrap panel functionality, the way to proceed here would be to manually create a Telerik Report programmatically based on the current layout you've got in the WYSIWYG editor.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
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Emil Einarsson
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Rank 1
answered on 17 Jan 2011, 03:57 PM

I figured that was the only solution. So I better get to it. :)

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Emil Einarsson
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Telerik team
Emil Einarsson
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