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Dropdownlist in telerik report

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Jai asked on 26 Jul 2010, 10:34 AM
Hi Team,

We are using telerik reporing for our project and we are required to add the Dropdownlist to the report.
Can you please tell me is this possible or not.
And also we want to add charts to be generated dynamically, if there is any sample can you please share us the link.

Thanks in Advance


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Telerik team
answered on 29 Jul 2010, 09:13 AM
Hello Jai,

We are not sure that we understand your first question correctly. If you want to add a dropdown list which will provide values to a report, than you have to check out the Report Parameters. You have to set a DataSource in order to enable the Parameter UI as a dropdown list. Otherwise if you refer to dropdowns inside the report itself - this is not possible and there is no reporting product that offers such functionality.

About your second inquiry, the following help articles elaborate on the matter:

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