The latest release - Q3 2014 - has broken the dropdown control unless we are overlooking something.
Create a RadForm, drop a RadDropDownList control on the form.
Add _8_ items (enough so it goes beyond what shows in the list when you click the drop down) to the dropdown list.
Run the program.
Click the dropdown and you see items 1 through 6, now try to scroll to see items 7 and 8. The dropdown immediately closes.
Unless we are overlooking something this seems fairly serious as it more or less breaks any app that uses the simplest of dropdown.
Create a RadForm, drop a RadDropDownList control on the form.
Add _8_ items (enough so it goes beyond what shows in the list when you click the drop down) to the dropdown list.
Run the program.
Click the dropdown and you see items 1 through 6, now try to scroll to see items 7 and 8. The dropdown immediately closes.
Unless we are overlooking something this seems fairly serious as it more or less breaks any app that uses the simplest of dropdown.