I have read through the documentation and viewed the Telerik TV video on Drilldown Action, but cannot get it to work like I need. I have a report with a parent group of Employee Team Names and a child group containing the employees in each of the teams. The parent group has just the team name and has no action. The employee group has the employee name, which has the toggle visibility action set. There is also a couple of other fields of data for each employee in this group level but they do not have any action set. Finally I have a detail section containing detail data I want to display for each employee when I expand the icon on the employee name. The edit toggle target for the employee name action is the detail section name and the "expand" check box is unchecked. What I expected was a report that listed each team name and the employee in that team with an unexpanded icon next to each employee name, however what I get when I preview the report is all of the detail section data for each employee already expanded. I can click on the icon and hide the detail data, but what I want when the report is generated is the exact opposite. The visible properties for each field is the detail section is obviously set to true. I have tried different combinations but nothing gives me what I want. I hope this somewhat lengthy explanation of the situation is clear. Thanks in advance.