I have an collection of Employee objects who have a collection of Assignment objects as a property. The Assignment object has an Employee object property.
I have another collection of "Unassigned" Assignments.
UI-wise I want to drag and drop from the Unassigned RadListBox to the assignment RadListBox of an Employee.
I have the drag and drop down. What I am missing is updating the Assignment.Employee property after an Assignment is dropped into the Employee.Assignments collection. I have looked at overriding the DragDropBehavior, but I do not see a way of accessing the data object that contains the DestinationItemsSource.
I have another collection of "Unassigned" Assignments.
UI-wise I want to drag and drop from the Unassigned RadListBox to the assignment RadListBox of an Employee.
I have the drag and drop down. What I am missing is updating the Assignment.Employee property after an Assignment is dropped into the Employee.Assignments collection. I have looked at overriding the DragDropBehavior, but I do not see a way of accessing the data object that contains the DestinationItemsSource.