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Drag and Drop DragCue Change

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Scott asked on 13 Oct 2011, 10:58 PM
Is there a way that I can use the built in Drag and Drop handler while Dragging and Dropping in a RadTreeView, while modifying the DragCue message?  I have a couple of my own rules that I use in a PreviewDragEnded function, and I would like to change the DragCue to show what is allowed or not. 

For example, if I have a tree with

I can set the PreviewDragEnded function to check that you don't drop a Nest into a bird.  If you do, then I use e.handled = true and ignore the drag and drop action.  I would like for the DragCue to show that it is not allowed first, instead of just not allowing it after the mouse button is released.  I can do this if I write the DragQuery, DragInfo, DropQuery, and DropInfo functions, but I want to use the Rad versions of these functions that already exist (except for the modified DragCue, of course).

Thanks for your help.

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answered on 17 Oct 2011, 04:57 PM
Hi Scott,

 You have two options:

 - use DragOverTree event and get modify the drag cue there (you can access it from RadDragAndDropManager.Options.DragCue, or save it in a local variable on dragQuery)

 - use dropQuery (you need to subscribe with the following code:

tree.AddHandler(RadDragAndDropManager.DropQueryEvent,new EventHandler<DragDropQueryEventArgs>(OnDropQuery),true));

Let us know if you have any further questions regarding this scenario.
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the Telerik team

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