We let the user choose between single spacing, 1.5x spacing, and double spacing of the report rows. For the detail rows this is pretty easily accomplished by setting the Height of the detail section to (font size) * (line spacing) * (1.3). Line spacing is 1, 1.5, or 2. This makes all the detail rows space out correctly. But, we have reports with multiple total rows and these total rows need to be following the same spacing; we have not been able to get this to work.
For example I have two total rows in the footer section:
Sum <col 1 sum> <col 2 sum>
Average <col 1 ave> <col 2 ave>
When I set the location of the text boxes in the second row to y=0.01 points to y=1.99 points then this second row shows up as "single spaced"; in other words the top row text boxes push the second row down with no additional space added between then. Like "Sum" would be at (0, 0) and "Average" would be at (0, 1 point).
But as soon as I set the location of the second row text boxes to y=2 points or more the second row get pushed WAY down to basically double spaced (15 pixels between the rendered rows to 29 pixels between the rendered rows). Font size here was 8.25 points. I don't understand what is going on here. My plan was to sec the Y location of the second row to (font size) * (line spacing) * (1.3) which logically seems like it should work; but given this weird behavior I get double spaced all the time (for 1, 1.5 or 2).
Do I need to add a "spacer row" between these two rows to accomplish this or something similar? Is the Y component of the text box location interpreted in some weird way?