Hi! I bag your pardon for my poor English. Suppose I have a line chart of electronic pulse curve that has been drawn in RadCartesianChart of RadChartView. Does RadChartView support layouting (zooming) of this pulse curve using mouse wheel? In other words, when the user rotates the mouse wheel then the chart changes its size in X and Y directions of course if I define MouseWheel event handler for RadCartesianChart. So I have two questions:
1) Does RadCartesianChart of RadChartView support MouseWheel event handler for layouting (zooming) of chart in X and Y directions with change of scale on X axis and Y axis respectively?
2) Does RadCartesianChart of RadChartView support MouseMove event handler for panning (moving) of chart in X and Y directions with recalculation of values of ticks on X and Y axes respectively?