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Docking with Prism and Navigation

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Johannes asked on 24 Apr 2014, 09:25 AM

I'm developing an application and we are currently updating Telrik WPF Controls to the latest version. As we want to inject views dynamically to Docking PRISM will be used for this case.

The Problem is that I want to use Unity View Discovery and Navigation e.g:
regionManager.Regions["DocumentsRegion"].RequestNavigate(new Uri("Output", UriKind.Relative));

With this behavior I can add the same view multiple times to a Docking or to other Dockings in different parts of the applciation.

Is there a way to realize this including saving of the layout etc.?

Regards Johannes

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answered on 25 Apr 2014, 01:32 PM
Hi Johannes,

Save/Load layout feature of Docking control persists the layout, but it must be used explicitly. Here you can find helpful information about this feature -

Also, you could use the following example as a start point when implementing Docking with PRISM -

i hope this information helps.

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