I'm having an issue that so far seems to affect only one out of about eight users that have tested so far. When the user drags a pane to the main docking compass and hovers, the highlighted section indicating where the pane will dock to is incorrect. But the pane does end up docking correctly. The real problem is when the user tries to dock to the left root compass. The section does not highlight and letting go of he mouse does not dock to the left. This only happens for one user. The user is on a laptop and remotes into the test server via RDP. The user seems the same results when RDPing into 3 other test servers. The other seven users are also using an RDP session but everything works correctly for them. I've attached an example of the misplaced arrows (you can see that the right root compass arrow is moved in a bit) and hover as well as an example of what it looks like for everyone else.
I have not overridden any behaviors for the docking drag and drop or any styling for the compass. I'm curious if anyone knows of why this would only be happening to one user. My first thought was screen resolution but I do not see anything out of the ordinary for that user.
Thank you,