OK, let's check this off as a first-time stupid newbie question, b/c that's what its got to amount to.
It's my first Telerik report that has a Table control in the detail section and it is bound to a data source. In column 1 of the table is the expression [= Fields.InvoiceNum] and I get an invoice number for every row when I preview the report.
In column 2 of the table, I had an expression that basically amounted to Field2 divided by Field3. But this would always return a zero on every row of the report during preview.
For the sake of testing, my expression is currently [= 1 / 3]. This still returns a zero. If my expression is [= 1 + 3], I get 4. If it is [= 1 - 3] I get -2. If it is [= 1 * 3] I get 3. But [= 1 / 3] always returns 0. If I wrap the expression with [= CDbl(1 / 3)] I still get a zero, and the formatting is {0:#.0000}. So what gives? What am I missing here?
It's my first Telerik report that has a Table control in the detail section and it is bound to a data source. In column 1 of the table is the expression [= Fields.InvoiceNum] and I get an invoice number for every row when I preview the report.
In column 2 of the table, I had an expression that basically amounted to Field2 divided by Field3. But this would always return a zero on every row of the report during preview.
For the sake of testing, my expression is currently [= 1 / 3]. This still returns a zero. If my expression is [= 1 + 3], I get 4. If it is [= 1 - 3] I get -2. If it is [= 1 * 3] I get 3. But [= 1 / 3] always returns 0. If I wrap the expression with [= CDbl(1 / 3)] I still get a zero, and the formatting is {0:#.0000}. So what gives? What am I missing here?