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Displaying Row Numbers

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Bekir asked on 15 Sep 2010, 11:15 AM
i am trying to display order numbers for every data row in detail section. There is no "order" column in database.

Output will be:

order id name
1 57 jack
2 23 denis
3 67 harry

ps: i am sorry for my english (:

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answered on 15 Sep 2010, 03:00 PM
If you just need to display the row number of the current record, you need to add a textbox to the detail section and set its .Value property to:
= RowNumber()
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answered on 21 Sep 2010, 09:31 AM
i was trying to do that in the table, but it wants "scope" as parameter.. anyway i solved my problem, thanks for reply..
Grigore Dolghin
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answered on 10 Feb 2011, 10:52 AM
It would be too much to put your solution here?
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answered on 06 Mar 2012, 07:19 PM
Can you tell me how to get a row count for the total number of detail records?  I wish to place this data in a group footer related to those detail records.

Thank you,
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answered on 06 Mar 2012, 08:33 PM
I got it. 


When placed in the group footer this will render the total number of detail records contained in that group.
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answered on 17 Mar 2013, 02:02 AM
that can work if the field in the report data source but my problem is i want to count number of rows in the table that located in the group header, and that table has its own data source, so how can i get the count of each table rows in each header section.
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answered on 04 Apr 2019, 07:55 AM
Please, still not solution for this problem? [quote]that can work if the field in the report data source but my problem is i want to count number of rows in the table that located in the group header, and that table has its own data source, so how can i get the count of each table rows in each header section.[/quote]
Telerik team
answered on 09 Apr 2019, 06:58 AM
Hi Petr,

In this case, you can assign the data source of the Report itself and bind the table's data from the parent. 
In this case, you are improving the report performance by reusing the data from the parent, instead of creating and configuring a new data source component to retrieve the data anew. You can reuse the data by adding a Binding to the data item's DataSource property, which sets the following expression: = ReportItem.DataObject.

For more information, please refer to the Binding a Data item to Data and How to use the ReportItem.DataObject property in expressions help articles.

If the above information does not help, please open a support ticket and attach a runnable demo project that reproduces this issue. This way we can check your settings and give you more accurate suggestions.

Best Regards,
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Grigore Dolghin
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