I want to display content in the table format ..
I have placed a table from the report item and put in the detail section of the report and
designed using objectdatasource.I treated this report as a dll and use it in my asp.net application.
So I have find out the table control using "Finnd" method .I got the tbal control.
after I assined my datatable to the table datasource ,but no data displayed.
How to generate table formatted report ?I have gone through the telerik documentation of reportite table.
my code is given below .
Report9 objreport9 = new Report9();
Telerik.Reporting.Table tbl = (Telerik.Reporting.Table)objreport9.Items.Find("table1", true)[0];
tbl.DataSource = dt1 ;//dt1 is the datatable object which contains data
rptViewer.Report=objreport9 // rptViewer is the reportviewer control .
but no data displayed in the reportviewer.
1)So could anyone please give me the code for my scenario? (table display content).this is an urgent requirement.
2) also I need code for data display in the list report item.