I am using Telerik Rad Wpf grid.
I want to disable some records by binding with linq entities.
Suppose I have an entity named Title which has an active field. I have below converter which is mentioned in Resources.
<my1:BooleanConverter x:Key="RowEnableConverter"/>
And in Grid control , there is a datacolumn.
telerik:GridViewDataColumn Header="Document Name" DataMemberBinding="{Binding DOCUMENTDSC, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Width="1.5*" IsFilterable="False" IsEnabled="{Binding ACTIVE,Converter={StaticResource RowEnableConverter}, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
Now please see the below example:
1 Ahmed 25
2 Ali 35
3 Maifs 25
Now i want to disable/readonly 2nd record which is
2 Ali 35.
How would i ?
Suggest please.