I would like to disable drag row selecting as described in http://mono.telerik.com/Grid/Examples/Client/Selecting/DefaultCS.aspx. The problem is that I can't seem to find this property in the winforms.ui radgridview control. The main reasons I want to disable this is that when we scroll the vertical scroll bar in our gridview is is very easy to slide our cursor slightly off the scroll bar and then the rows get selected. Which is not something we like. So where do i find this property in the winforms version of radgridview?
I assume this line as shown in the link above refers only to you web.ui radgrid?
RadGrid1.ClientSettings.Selecting.EnableDragToSelectRows = status;
Thank you,
I assume this line as shown in the link above refers only to you web.ui radgrid?
RadGrid1.ClientSettings.Selecting.EnableDragToSelectRows = status;
Thank you,