I am attempting to determine whether the cell over which the pointer is currently hovering contains an appointment during the DragOver event.
So far I have the code below and I believe (probably mistakenly) that the SchedulerCellElement may hold the key to determining the contents of a cell.
Any ideas?
Thank you very much.
I am attempting to determine whether the cell over which the pointer is currently hovering contains an appointment during the DragOver event.
So far I have the code below and I believe (probably mistakenly) that the SchedulerCellElement may hold the key to determining the contents of a cell.
Private Sub rs_DragOver(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles rs.DragOver
Dim p As Point = rs.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y))
Dim t As DayViewAppointmentsTable = TryCast(rs.SchedulerElement.ViewElement, SchedulerDayViewElement).DataAreaElement.Table
Dim sce As SchedulerCellElement = SchedulerUIHelper.GetCellAtPoint(p, t.Children)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Any ideas?
Thank you very much.