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Details sections are being created, but crosstab is getting no data

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Andrew asked on 08 Jul 2019, 02:08 PM

So, I'm binding a DataSource to LINQ query in the ItemDataBinding event. My detail section is generating a member for each item in this list, but *sometimes* the cross tab in the detail section will be completely blank.

The detail section is getting some data -- I have a textbox in it with =Fields.Name that is properly populating 100% of the time. However, the crosstab binding to =ReportItem.DataObject.Name (and any other information relating to this DataObject) is simply blank.


Unsure how to diagnose or proceed. Please help!

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answered on 11 Jul 2019, 08:35 AM
Hi Andrew,

If I understood correctly, you are trying to bind a Crosstab data item to it's parent data. You can achieve this by adding the following binding rule for the crosstab:
Property path: DataSource
Expression: = ReportItem.DataObject

And then, to use =Fields.Name expression inside the crosstab to render the list of names. Please, note that if the crosstab is inside the details section, it would be rendered (with the headers) for every row in the data source. If you want to render one crosstab item that lists all names at once, you would need to move the crosstab in Report Header/Footer or static Group Header/Footer sections. For further reference, check Report Structure article.

If the issue, still persists, we would like to check the report definition. Please send it to us along with some sample data, for example in csv format.

Best Regards,
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