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Demo application clarification

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Ujjwal Lahoti
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Rank 1
Ujjwal Lahoti asked on 02 Mar 2010, 09:03 PM
I have 'RadControls for WPF Q3 2009 SP2'. I am trying to understand how the Demo Application is designed. I am essentially interested in the windows transitions and how they are achieved. If you can explain me how the following was implemented:

1. Menu on the left
2. Transition of the content on the right, by interacting with the menu
3. How does Themes, View Code, other buttons that transform the view, work.
4. Finally how the main window designed

I have spent a lot of time to understand the Demo application, but can't understand it completely. I am trying to create something very similar to the Demo application, any help in this area would be appreciated a lot. If you can point me to relevant sections of the Demo application, it would also work.

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Ujjwal Lahoti
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answered on 03 Mar 2010, 09:15 PM
Replies or comments please.....
Valeri Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 05 Mar 2010, 12:07 PM
Hi Ujjwal,

Generally, the demo application works around a XML file, containing the paths to the examples. On the left there is a RadTreeView, bound to a hierarchical data objects created from the XML entries. On the right there is a simple content control that holds the currently selected example (UserControl). The Theme combobox simply reloads the current example, the ViewSource loads other UserControl in the place of the example. The transition animation could be easily created using the RadTransitionControl from Q1 2010 Beta:

Best wishes,
Valeri Hristov
the Telerik team

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Ujjwal Lahoti
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Rank 1
answered on 05 Mar 2010, 01:27 PM
Thanks for the info.

Can you provide some information, how is the XML file used to build the RadTree view?

Also about the UserControl on the right, can you provide some details on it. How is it designed, etc? Can you explain how does the usercontrol load a different XAML file in the usercontrol, whenever the user clicks on a different entry in the menu on the left.

Valeri Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 05 Mar 2010, 01:51 PM
Hello Ujjwal,

The XML file has similar format to the following:
<Category Name="RadMenu">
<Example Name="Data Binding" Path="Menu/DataBinding" />

We load the XML into a XmlDocument and then build a hierarchy of business objects that corresponds the XML structure. Then the TreeView is bound to those objects, very similarily to the following example:

The UserControl is created as any other UserControl in your application. In the SelectionChanged event handler of the TreeView we get the business object that is associated with the selected TreeViewItem and using the Path property we create the full name of the UserControl Type. Then we create an instance of that type.

Kind regards,
Valeri Hristov
the Telerik team

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Ujjwal Lahoti
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Ujjwal Lahoti
Top achievements
Rank 1
Valeri Hristov
Telerik team
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