I have two questions about the RadDatePicker.
I have a requirement that the enter-key should be used to select the date and move the focus from the DatePicker to the next control.
At the moment when I hit enter when a date is selected the calendar will close and the focus goes back to the textbox.
How can I move the focus to the next control immediately after I select the date, so with one-enter press the date is selected and focus moves to the next control?
I tried to handle the KeyDown event and the DropDownClosed event, in the event handler I call MoveFocus to the next field, but in both cases the focus remains in the DatePicker?
My second question, whats the best way to change the size of the calendar, I want it to have a bigger size and bigger font (wider then the DatePicker textbox to which it belongs). How can I accomplish this, without changing the width of the textbox?