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Date Localization

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David asked on 12 Mar 2020, 12:30 PM



I've implemented a Pivot Grid in an application and noticed that the date format doesn't follow the localization (in this case French).

The dates will always be displayed in [MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss]


After some research, I've created a DateTimeGroupDescriptor to fix the displayed format.

However, it breaks the "Label filter" option (ex: when filtering with "is greater than 01st Jan 2019", it still displays 2011 entries).

If I don't use the group descriptor, it works fine.


How can I fix this? (my goal is to display the dates in the following format [dd/MM/yyyy] while preserving the Label filter option)


By the way, I'm using the latest R1 2020 SP1 update.

Let me know if you need more information.


Side note: when using the UI culture fr-FR, the sorting label is incorrects

It says "Classer de A à Z" for "Sort Z to A" instead of "Classer de Z à A" ;)

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 17 Mar 2020, 11:25 AM

Hello David,

You are correct, the dates won't get localized by default. You can do this by implementing a custom DateTimeGroupDescriptor, as you are already doing.

About the issue with the Label filter, I tested it with the CustomDateTimeGroupDescription SDK example,  but I wasn't able to reproduce this. Can you tell me what are the steps that should be followed in order to get the troublesome result?

For the wrong localized string ("Sort A à Z"), this is an issue with the translation on our side. I've logged a bug report where you can track its status and also updated your Telerik points.

Martin Ivanov
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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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