I've read many Telerik and stack overflow responses to this issue that still don't cover the answer to my question. Yes my error event handler is declared as part of my datasource configuration along with my requestEnd and change event handlers and they work. So my question is this, does the error event get canceled when the requestEnd event is declared?
My datasource is defined below for any critique you may have
$(document).ready(function () {
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
cache: false,
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
read: {
url: '/Telecom/Read',
type: 'POST',
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
//$j('#message').text('Successful Read');
//$j('#dialog').dialog("option", "title", textStatus);
create: {
url: '/Telecom/Create',
type: 'POST',
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
//$j('#message').text('Successful Create');
//$j('#dialog').dialog("option", "title", textStatus);
update: {
url: '/Telecom/Update',
type: 'POST',
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
//$j('#message').text('Successful Update');
//$j('#dialog').dialog("option", "title", textStatus);
destroy: {
url: '/Telecom/Destroy',
type: 'POST',
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
//$j('#message').text('Successful Delete');
//$j('#dialog').dialog("option", "title", textStatus);
error: onError,
requestEnd: onRequestEnd,
change: onChange,
serverPaging: false,
autoSync: false,
schema: {
model: {
id: 'Id',
fields: {
Id: { editable: false },
Name: { type: 'string', validation: { required: true } },
Category: { type: 'string', validation: { required: true } },
EquipmentType: { type: 'string', validation: { required: true } },
Description: { type: 'string' },
Length: { type: 'number', validation: { required: true } },
Height: { type: 'number', validation: { required: true } },
Width: { type: 'number', validation: { required: true } },
CanEditLength: { type: 'boolean', validation: { required: true } },
CanEditHeight: { type: 'boolean', validation: { required: true } },
CanEditWidth: { type: 'boolean', validation: { required: true } },
IsObsolete: { type: 'boolean', validation: { required: false } },
SortOrder: { type: 'number', validation: { required: false } }
}); .... });
My datasource is defined below for any critique you may have
$(document).ready(function () {
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
cache: false,
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
read: {
url: '/Telecom/Read',
type: 'POST',
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
//$j('#message').text('Successful Read');
//$j('#dialog').dialog("option", "title", textStatus);
create: {
url: '/Telecom/Create',
type: 'POST',
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
//$j('#message').text('Successful Create');
//$j('#dialog').dialog("option", "title", textStatus);
update: {
url: '/Telecom/Update',
type: 'POST',
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
//$j('#message').text('Successful Update');
//$j('#dialog').dialog("option", "title", textStatus);
destroy: {
url: '/Telecom/Destroy',
type: 'POST',
complete: function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
//$j('#message').text('Successful Delete');
//$j('#dialog').dialog("option", "title", textStatus);
error: onError,
requestEnd: onRequestEnd,
change: onChange,
serverPaging: false,
autoSync: false,
schema: {
model: {
id: 'Id',
fields: {
Id: { editable: false },
Name: { type: 'string', validation: { required: true } },
Category: { type: 'string', validation: { required: true } },
EquipmentType: { type: 'string', validation: { required: true } },
Description: { type: 'string' },
Length: { type: 'number', validation: { required: true } },
Height: { type: 'number', validation: { required: true } },
Width: { type: 'number', validation: { required: true } },
CanEditLength: { type: 'boolean', validation: { required: true } },
CanEditHeight: { type: 'boolean', validation: { required: true } },
CanEditWidth: { type: 'boolean', validation: { required: true } },
IsObsolete: { type: 'boolean', validation: { required: false } },
SortOrder: { type: 'number', validation: { required: false } }
}); .... });