I am using the "UI for WPF Q1 2016" release, WPF, .NET Framework 4.6.1, Windows 10 and C#.
I am trying to implement drag and drop within a single RadTreeView. The default drag visual has a great structure, but has some problems for me. (The background of the drag item is dark and I can't read the dragged item's name, and the drop tooltip seems to be calling ToString() on my viewmodel, and that is not the text that I want.)
Researching, the page "Customize the TreeViewDragVisual" (https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/controls/radtreeview/how-to/customize-treeviewdragvisual)
tells me to derive from RadTreeView and to modify the template. But I am using NoXaml binaries and this page indicates that I must set the control template in app.xaml. Therefore it will apply to all RadTreeViews, and this doesn't seem like what I want to do.
Then I find the forum post on modifying the tooltip (https://www.telerik.com/forums/treeview---how-to-modify-the-drag-drop-drag-tooltip-target-part)
which points me at the DragDropManager. The manager has a "Set Drag Visual" topic (https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/controls/dragdropmanager/how-to/dragdrompmanager-howto-set-drag-visual) which says to handle DragDropManager.AddDragInitializeHandler and create a new drag visual in
the handler. This seems better than modifying app.xaml.
Also DragDropManager has the topic "Customizing the DragVisual" (https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/controls/dragdropmanager/behaviors/customizingdragvisual) which talks about implementing IDragVisualProvider. But the example is for ListBox and I'm using a RadTreeView.
So I'm all kinds of confused.
First, I need to fix the drag visual. I like the Drop Preview Line, the Drag Preview, and the Drag Tooltip parts. I need to change the Drag Preview and the Drag Tooltip.
Then I need to handle the "drop", which I think is done by attaching my own handler to DragDropManager.Drop event.
Thanks for any help.