I try to implement CustomFilterDescriptor
My grid Has four rows :
1. FirstName
2. LastName
3. Address
4. Age
I want to filter only 1. 2. and 3. column.
When I Type 'John Doe'
I want to look for row that some columns contains John in cell and Doe (Doe can be in another Cell but in the same row!)
is it possible?
I tried to split my Filter value
and add FilterDescriptor for every splited word with every column but Logical operator is set for every filterDescriptor
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
Create a CompositeFilterDescriptor with LogicalOperator OR and then add the three FilterDescriptors to it.
All the best,Ross
the Telerik team
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Unfortunately, I really can't understand the requirement.
Can you please try to describe it in as much detail as possible and provide several structured examples that demonstrate what are you trying to achieve.
Thank you.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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for example we have rows:
FirstName LastName Address
John Doe address1
Adam Smith Doe Street
John Fish address 3
and phrase is 'John Doe'
I expect to application will show only first row (becouse this row includes all words from phrase)
second row contains only 'Doe' so it is no good
third contains only John so it is no good
You can split your phrase in two. Then add two FilterDescriptors to the CompositeFilterDescriptor. Make the logical operator of the CompositeFilterDescriptor to be AND. You will have FirstName IsEqualTo John AND LastName IsEqualTo Doe.
Of course, you will have to invent some kind of artificial intelligence that can handle any user input.
the Telerik team
Explore the entire Telerik portfolio by downloading the Ultimate Collection trial package. Get it now >>

It is impossible to make it the way you are describing.
I can split it to two words John and Doe
then I must make 6 FilteDescriptors (JOhn and Doe for every column becouse those words can apear in every one of them )
if i use AND then, no row from example will show.
From Logical point i must build something like this:
(firstName.Contains("JOhn") AND (LastName.Contains("Doe") OR Address.Contains("Doe") ) ) OR
(LastName.Contains("JOhn") AND (FirstName.Contains("John") OR Address.Contains("John")) OR
(Address.Contains("John") ANd (FirstName.contains("Doe") OR LastName.Contains("Doe"))
solution you wrote will not work..