Are there any example showing how to draw a red wavy line under a set of text?
In my project, I use a lot of custom annotations. The annotions have a DateTime property that is used to flag up an expiry time limit.
I would like a red wavy line to appear under the text in the custom annotation when the expirey time period has elapsed.
I've already used custom presentation to draw rectangles around certain annotations:
I'm mainly looking for the best way to draw a red wavy line.
Thank you very much for your time and help,
In my project, I use a lot of custom annotations. The annotions have a DateTime property that is used to flag up an expiry time limit.
I would like a red wavy line to appear under the text in the custom annotation when the expirey time period has elapsed.
I've already used custom presentation to draw rectangles around certain annotations:
Rectangle rectangle =
rectangle.Width = Math.Max(0, (endInline.BoundingRectangle.Location.X - startInline.BoundingRectangle.Location.X));
rectangle.Height = startInline.LineInfo.Height;
Canvas.SetTop(rectangle, startInline.ControlBoundingRectangle.Top - (startInline.LineInfo.Height / 1.5));
Canvas.SetLeft(rectangle, startInline.BoundingRectangle.Left);
rectangle.Fill = FillBrush;
rectangle.Opacity = MouseOverHighlightLayer.MouseOutOpacity;
rectangle.MouseEnter += (s, e) => { ((Rectangle)s).Opacity = MouseOverHighlightLayer.MouseInOpacity; };
rectangle.MouseLeave += (s, e) => { ((Rectangle)s).Opacity = MouseOverHighlightLayer.MouseOutOpacity; };
I'm mainly looking for the best way to draw a red wavy line.
Thank you very much for your time and help,