If you want to apply your converter to all Axis labels (both on X and Y axis) you can remove the Key from the style. This way it will turn into implicit style and it will be applied to all Axis labels. On the other hand setting your converter only to one of the axis requires some code. I will demonstrate how to apply the converter only on the X-axis.
First wire up to the Loaded event of the chartarea in your constructor like this:
Next in the loaded event handler you can find the visual container of the AxisLabels. For the X-Axis it is called
HorizontalAxisLabels2D. When you have it you can find its children and apply the style declared above.
Notice the extension methods FindChildByType<T> and ChildrenOfType<T>. They are declared in the Telerik.Windows.Controls namespace, so you may have to add a using for it.
Hope this helps!
Best wishes,
Yavor Ivanov
the Telerik team
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