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custom datasource ASP.NET MVC

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Luis Ismael
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Luis Ismael asked on 19 Feb 2018, 08:09 PM

Hello, someone has some idea how to customize reporting

I do the following


public class ReportController : Controller
        // GET: Report
        public ActionResult Index()
            Uri uri = HttpContext.Request.Url;
            var changeReport = new ReportController().Identification(1, uri);
            return View(new ReportModel() { TheReport = changeReport});
             // Controls

            var txtName = ((Telerik.Reporting.TextBox)report.Items.Find("txtName ", true)[0]);
            txtName.Value = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) ? name.Trim() : empty;

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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Luis Ismael
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